

at the 1999 ACC

New Orleans, LA

March 7 - 10


Microvolt Level T-Wave Alternans Is Prevalent in Subjects with Congenital Long QT Syndrome



Kaufman ES, Gorodeski EZ, Koide N, Verrilli LM, Rammohen G, Rosenbaum DS. Case Western Reserve University, MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio


Background: Grossly visible T-wave alternans (TWA) is an important prognostic sign in congenital Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). Although microvolt level TWA is a marker of risk in patients with structural heart disease, its prevalence in LQTS is unknown.

Methods: 68 subjects (32M, 36F, age 36+16) with personal or family history of LQTS underwent TWA measurement during exercise on a stationary bicycle. We compared the prevalence of TWA in subjects with normal versus prolonged (>45s in males, >46s in females) QTc on the baseline ECG. Abnormal TWA (> 1.9 µ V at a threshold HR<110/min) was considered sustained if it lasted >1 min and persisted at increased HR; it was considered present (any TWA) if it lasted >0.3 min but did not necessarily meet criteria for sustained TWA. 63 subjects had diagnostic TWA tests (achieving HR>105/min with noise<1.8µV and ectopics<10%) and were included in the analysis.

Results: Both sustained (p<0.01) and any (p<0.02) TWA were found with higher prevalence among subjects with prolonged QTc.

Sustained TWA

Long QT Normal QT






Long QT Normal QT





Of subjects with long QTc, 78% had TWA (22% sustained). In contrast, among subjects with normal QTc, 50% had TWA (none sustained).

Conclusion: Microvolt level TWA can be detected in a substantial proportion of individuals with LQTS. TWA analysis may aid in diagnosing subjects at risk for LQTS, a potentially lethal but treatable disorder.


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